BS Computer Science

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Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the program will have an ability to:

  1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program's discipline.
  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

Degree Requirements and Curriculum

In addition to the program requirements listed on this page, students must also satisfy requirements outlined in more detail in the Minimum Requirements for Graduation section of this catalog, including:

  • 60 units of upper-division courses
  • Graduation Writing Requirement (GWR)
  • 2.0 GPA
  • U.S. Cultural Pluralism (USCP)

Note: No Major or Support courses may be selected as credit/no credit.

CSC/CPE 101Fundamentals of Computer Science4
CSC/CPE 123Introduction to Computing 14
CSC/CPE 202Data Structures4
CSC/CPE 203Project-Based Object-Oriented Programming and Design4
CSC 225Introduction to Computer Organization4
CSC 248Discrete Structures4
CSC 300Professional Responsibilities4
or PHIL 323 Ethics, Science and Technology
Select from the following:4
Introduction to Software Engineering
Software Engineering I
and Software Engineering II 2
Select from the following:4
Introduction to Computer Security 3
Cryptography Engineering
Introduction to Privacy: Policy and Technology
CSC 349Design and Analysis of Algorithms4
CSC/CPE 357Systems Programming4
Select from the following:4
Introduction to Networked, Distributed, and Parallel Computing
Introduction to Computer Networks
and Distributed Systems 4
CSC 365Introduction to Database Systems4
CSC 430Programming Languages4
CSC 445Theory of Computation I4
CSC/CPE 453Introduction to Operating Systems4
Select from the following:4
Senior Project I
and Senior Project II (2, 2)
Research Senior Project I
and Research Senior Project II (2, 2)
Selected Advanced Topics (2, 2, Topics: Senior Project Capstone I and Senior Project Capstone II)
ES/WGQS 350Gender, Race, Culture, Science & Technology4
or ES 351 Gender, Race, Class, Nation in Global Engineering, Technology & International Development
MATH 141Calculus I (B4) 54
MATH 142Calculus II (B4) 54
MATH 143Calculus III (Area B Electives) 54
MATH 206Linear Algebra I4
or MATH 244 Linear Analysis I
Select from the following: (C2) 54
Philosophical Classics: Knowledge and Reality
Philosophical Classics: Ethics and Political Philosophy
Any GE Area C2 Course
STAT 312Statistical Methods for Engineers (Upper-Division B) 54
Life Science Support Elective
Select from the following (B2): 54
General Biology
Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
Life Science for Engineers
and Bioengineering Fundamentals
General Botany
Physical Science Support Elective
Select one sequence from the following (B1 & B3): 512
General Chemistry for Physical Science and Engineering I
and General Chemistry for Physical Science and Engineering II
and General Chemistry for Physical Science and Engineering III
General Physics I
and General Physics II
and General Physics III
Additional Science Support Elective
Select from the following (Area B Electives): 5,64
General Biology
Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology
General Botany
General Chemistry for Physical Science and Engineering I
General Physics I
Concentration or General Curriculum in Computer Science
(See list of Concentrations and General Curriculum in Computer Science below)24
(See list of GE program requirements below.)40
Free Electives 70
Total units180

General Curriculum in Computer Science or Concentrations (select one)

General Education (GE) Requirements

  • 72 units required, 32 of which are specified in Major and/or Support.
  • If any of the remaining 40 units is used to satisfy a Major or Support requirement, additional units of Free Electives may be needed to complete the total units required for the degree.
  • See the complete GE course listing.
  • A grade of C- or better is required in one course in each of the following GE Areas: A1 (Oral Communication), A2 (Written Communication), A3 (Critical Thinking), and B4 (Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning). 
Area AEnglish Language Communication and Critical Thinking
A1Oral Communication4
A2Written Communication4
A3Critical Thinking4
Area BScientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning
B1Physical Science (4 units in Support) 10
B2Life Science (4 units in Support) 10
B3One lab taken with either a B1 or B2 course
B4Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (8 units in Support) 10
Upper-Division B (4 units in Support) 10
Area B Electives (8 units in Support) 10
Area CArts and Humanities
Lower-division courses in Area C must come from three different subject prefixes.
C1Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater4
C2Humanities: Literature, Philosophy, Languages other than English (4 units in Support) 10
Lower-Division C Elective - Select a course from either C1 or C2.4
Upper-Division C4
Area DSocial Sciences
D1American Institutions (Title 5, Section 40404 Requirement)4
Area D Elective - Select either a lower-division D2 or upper-division D course.4
Area ELifelong Learning and Self-Development
Lower-Division E4
Area FEthnic Studies
F Ethnic Studies4
Total units40