BS Agricultural Science

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 Program Learning Objectives

  1. Achieve a high degree of agricultural literacy.
  2. Lead and direct individuals and groups in thought and action.
  3. Analyze and communicate effectively the major issues in agriculture.
  4. Demonstrate cultural competencies in an increasingly global agricultural industry and society.
  5. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills.
  6. Seamlessly and professionally integrate technology into practices.

Degree Requirements and Curriculum

In addition to the program requirements listed on this page, student must also satisfy requirements outlined in more detail in the Minimum Requirements for Graduation section of this catalog, including:

  • 60 units of upper-division courses
  • Graduation Writing Requirement (GWR)
  • 2.0 GPA
  • U.S. Cultural Pluralism (USCP)

Note: No Major or Support courses may be selected as credit/no credit.

AGC 102Orientation to Agricultural Communication & Agricultural Science2
AGC 404Foundations of Agricultural Leadership3
AGC 452Current Trends and Issues in Agricultural Communication4
or AG 360 Holistic Management
or AG 452 Issues Affecting California Agriculture
AGC 463Senior Project3
AGED 410Computer Applications in Agricultural Education2-4
or AGC 314 California Fairgrounds and Expositions
Foundation in Agriculture Courses
AGB 202Introduction to Sales4
AGB 212Agricultural Economics4
AGB 301Food and Fiber Marketing4
or WVIT 343 Branded Wine Marketing
Animal Science
ASCI 112Principles of Animal Science (B2) 14
Select from the following8
Introduction to Beef Production
Systems of Swine Production
Systems of Small Ruminant Management
Equine Science
Introduction to Poultry Management
General Dairy Husbandry
Ag Systems Technology
BRAE 121Agricultural Mechanics2
BRAE 141Agricultural Machinery Safety3
BRAE 321Agricultural Safety3
BRAE 340Irrigation Water Management (Upper-Division B) 14
Plant Science
PLSC 120Principles of Horticulture and Crop Science4
PLSC 190California Vegetable Production4
or PLSC 230 Environmental Horticulture
or PLSC 240 Commercial Seed Production
or PLSC 245 Horticultural Production Techniques
Natural Resources
NR/ES 308Fire and Society (Upper-Division D) 14
or NR 323 Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Management
SS 120Introductory Soil Science (GE Electives) 14
or SS 130 Soils in Environmental and Agricultural Systems
Safe Practices in Handling Food Products
DSCI 229General Dairy Manufacturing4
or FSN 230 Elements of Food Processing
FSN 275Elements of Food Safety4
or FSN 250 Food and Nutrition: Culture and Customs
Approved Electives in Emphasis Area
Select courses from the Guide to Approved Agricultural Electives - Emphasis Areas. At least 29 units in the combination of Approved Electives and Free Electives must be at the 300-400 level.22-24
Foundation Science and Mathematics
BOT 121General Botany4
or MCRO 221 Microbiology
or PHYS 121 College Physics I
CHEM 110World of Chemistry (B1 & B3) 14
or CHEM 127 General Chemistry for Agriculture and Life Science I
MATH 118Precalculus Algebra (B4) 1,24
or MATH 119 Precalculus Trigonometry
or MATH 141 Calculus I
or MATH 161 Calculus for the Life Sciences I
or MATH 221 Calculus for Business and Economics
(See GE program requirements below.)48
Free Electives 322
Total units180

Guide to Approved Agricultural Electives - Emphasis Areas

Approved Agricultural Electives have been categorized by Emphasis Area to guide students. Advisor approval of Agricultural Electives is not required, but consultation with an advisor is recommended to ensure that the required number of upper-division units is met. Also, bear in mind that selection may impact pursuit of post-baccalaureate studies and/or goals. It is imperative for students seeking a teaching credential to select one Emphasis Area and adhere to the approved list of courses.

Emphasis Areas
Select Emphasis Area of choice:22-24
Agricultural Engineering Technology
Agricultural Power and Machinery Management
Design Graphics and CAD for Agricultural Engineering
3-D Solids Modeling
Agricultural Engineering Laboratory
Precision Farming
Aquacultural Engineering
Internal Combustion Engines
Landscape Irrigation
Energy for a Sustainable Society
Drip/Micro Irrigation
Agricultural Irrigation Systems
Advanced Agricultural Mechanics
Agribusiness Financial Accounting
Agribusiness Data Literacy
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Agriculture
Advanced Sales Techniques
Agribusiness Credit and Finance
Agricultural Policy
Agriculture Economic Analysis
Principles of Agribusiness Management
Decision Making with Agribusiness Accounting Information
Agricultural Personnel Management
World Food Economy
Food Retail Management
Field Studies in Agribusiness
Produce Marketing
California Fairgrounds and Expositions
Fairgrounds and Facility Management
Multimedia Storytelling in Agriculture and Science
Crisis Communication in Food and Agriculture
Corporate Communication
Animal Science
Meat Science
Livestock Show Management
Introductory Animal Nutrition and Feeding
Introduction to Beef Production
Systems of Swine Production
Systems of Small Ruminant Management
Introduction to Poultry Management
Livestock Evaluation
General Animal Science Laboratory
Principles of Rangeland Management
Advanced Beef Cattle System Management
Zoonoses and Veterinary Public Health Concerns
Egg Production, Processing and Distribution
Poultry Meat Production and Processing
Poultry Business Management
Nonruminant Nutrition
Meat Industry Study Tour
General Dairy Husbandry
Dairy Cattle Selection, Breeds, Fitting and Showing
Dairy Cattle Nutrition
Lactation Physiology
Artificial Insemination and Embryo Biotechnology
Dairy Animal Health, Safety and Applied Technology
Crop and Soil Science
Forage Crops
California Vegetable Production
Commercial Seed Production
Horticultural Production Techniques
Agricultural Entomology
Weed Biology and Management
Plant Pathology
Vertebrate Pest Management
Plants, Biotechnology, and the Media
Citrus and Avocado Fruit Production
Advanced Weed Management
Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops
Soil Health and Plant Nutrition
Soil Plant Relationships
Soil Judging
Survey of Grape Growing and Winemaking
Forestry and Natural Resources
Wildlife Conservation Biology
Environmental Management
Natural Resource Ecology and Habitat Management
Fire and Society
Technology of Wildland Fire Management
The World of Spatial Data and Geographic Information Technology
Water Resources Technology and Society
Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Management
Ethnicity and the Land
Forest Health
Environmental Law
Water Resource Law and Policy
Ornamental Horticulture
General Botany
Landscape Irrigation
Landscape Installation and Maintenance
Plant Propagation
Cut Flower Production
Potted Plant Production
Turfgrass Management
Native Plants for California Landscapes
Nursery Crop Production
Specialized Operations for Golf Courses and Athletic Fields
Park and Public Space Management

General Education (GE) Requirements

  • 72 units required, 24 of which are specified in Major and/or Support.
  • If any of the remaining 48 units is used to satisfy a Major or Support requirement, additional units of Free Electives may be needed to complete the total units required for the degree.
  • See the complete GE course listing.
  • A grade of C- or better is required in one course in each of the following GE Areas: A1 (Oral Communication), A2 (Written Communication), A3 (Critical Thinking), and B4 (Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning). 
Area AEnglish Language Communication and Critical Thinking
A1Oral Communication4
A2Written Communication4
A3Critical Thinking4
Area BScientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning
B1Physical Science (4 units in Support) 10
B2Life Science (4 units in Major) 10
B3One lab taken with either a B1 or B2 course
B4Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning (4 units in Support) 10
Upper-Division B (4 units in Major) 10
Area CArts and Humanities
Lower-division courses in Area C must come from three different subject prefixes.
C1Arts: Arts, Cinema, Dance, Music, Theater4
C2Humanities: Literature, Philosophy, Languages other than English4
Lower-Division C Elective - Select a course from either C1 or C24
Upper-Division C4
Area DSocial Sciences - Select courses in Area D from at least two different prefixes
D1American Institutions (Title 5, Section 40404 Requirement)4
D2Lower-Division D4
Upper-Division D (4 units in Major) 10
Area ELifelong Learning and Self-Development
Lower-Division E4
Area F Ethnic Studies
F Ethnic Studies4
GE Electives in Areas B, C, and D
Select courses from two different areas; may be lower-division or upper-division courses.
GE Electives (4 units in Major plus 4 units in GE) 14
Total units48