Statistics Minor

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Select one of the following introductory sequences:12
Introduction to Statistical Concepts and Methods
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Design and Analysis of Experiments I
Introduction to Statistical Concepts and Methods
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Applied Regression Analysis
Introduction to Statistical Concepts and Methods
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Applied Linear Models
Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Design and Analysis of Experiments I
Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Applied Regression Analysis
Applied Statistics for the Life Sciences
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Applied Linear Models
Statistical Inference for Management I
and Statistical Inference for Management II
and Design and Analysis of Experiments I
Statistical Inference for Management I
and Statistical Inference for Management II
and Applied Regression Analysis
Statistical Inference for Management I
and Statistical Inference for Management II
and Applied Linear Models
Statistics I
and Statistics II
and Design and Analysis of Experiments I
Statistics I
and Statistics II
and Applied Regression Analysis
Statistics I
and Statistics II
and Applied Linear Models
Statistical Methods for Engineers
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Design and Analysis of Experiments I
Statistical Methods for Engineers
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Applied Regression Analysis
Statistical Methods for Engineers
and Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
and Applied Linear Models
Statistical Methods for Engineers
and Design and Analysis of Experiments I
and Applied Regression Analysis
Statistical Methods for Engineers
and Design and Analysis of Experiments I
and Applied Linear Models
Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
and Engineering Test Design and Analysis
and Design and Analysis of Experiments I
Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
and Engineering Test Design and Analysis
and Applied Regression Analysis
Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
and Engineering Test Design and Analysis
and Applied Linear Models
Select from the following:12
Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to Probability and Simulation
Design and Analysis of Experiments I
Applied Regression Analysis
Statistical Computing with SAS
Statistical Computing with R
Applied Linear Models
Applied Probability Models
Statistics Education: Pedagogy, Content, Technology, and Assessment
Multilevel and Mixed Modeling
Bayesian Reasoning and Methods
Statistical Analysis of Time Series
Survival Analysis Methods
Categorical Data Analysis
Applied Multivariate Statistics
Survey Sampling and Methodology
Design and Analysis of Experiments II
Probability Theory
Estimation and Sampling Theory
Mathematical Statistics
Advanced Statistical Computing with R
Statistical Learning: Methods and Applications
Total units24